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Intervention Specialist

Steve Pitkin

Steve Pitkin

Substance Abuse Prevention & Intervention Specialist

Intervention Specialist Page

Serving Lake Stevens High School, Mr. Pitkin provides confidential services for students and families, including individual and group sessions, screening, and community referrals. Specializing in substance abuse related topics, he also works with other connected issues. Students who have received a discipline sanction in the areas of nicotine, alcohol, or other drugs will have an opportunity to receive support services from Mr. Pitkin, and he also provides the Family Info Night once per month, which is open to any parent (Click Here). He has also been the LSHS Healthy Youth Survey coordinator since 2006. To contact Mr. Pitkin with questions or concerns please use the contact information listed above. You can also contact the counseling center at LSHS for additional assistance at (425) 335-1571.  Family Resource Information Page