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Washington Graduation Requirements

Washington State Graduation Requirements

All public high school students are required to meet statewide graduation requirements in order to earn a diploma. The goal is that more students will be better prepared to meet 21st-century demands in their working and personal lives. This page will give you many resources to help determine if your student is on the correct path to graduate from high school in the State of Washington.

Graduation Toolkit

The Graduation Toolkit is produced each year by OSPI to help educators and families understand Washington state graduation requirements. This guide is available online for easy viewing and in a downloadable format for printing.

Passing the State Examinations

Passing state tests or approved alternatives to those tests for all Washington students. The Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) and Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) tell families, schools, businesses and colleges that an individual student has mastered a minimum set of reading, writing and math skills by graduation. State law(RCW 28A.655.061) dictates the assessment graduation requirement.