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Road to Graduation

10th Grade Activities

10th Grade Activities

All of the following activities should be accomplished during the 10th grade. Review this list when your student registers for courses.

All Sophomores:

  • Review and alter as necessary the courses listed on the four-year plan.
  • Select a tentative occupational goal.
  • Obtain educational and/or career planning information necessary in preparation for 11th grade course selection/registration.
  • Obtain summer school information if there are failed requirements.

College-Bound Sophomores:

  • Enroll in at least four academic courses which are appropriate to career goal. For example, a college major in engineering usually requires four years of college prep math and science.
  • Sign up in late September or early October to take the PSAT/NMSQT for practice on a space available basis (normally taken as a Junior).
  • Investigate the Running Start program. Ask your counselor. Application deadline is May 1 for Everett Community College.

Vocational/Trade School/Job Training Sophomores:

  • Register for the necessary prerequisite courses if considering a vocational program in the high school or a vocational school.
  • Review opportunities available at the Skills Center. Attend the Skills Center presentation. See your counselor if such a path interests you

11th Grade Activities

11th Grade Activities

All of the following activities should be accomplished during the 11th grade. Review this list when student registers for courses.

All Juniors:

  • Review and alter as necessary the courses listed on the four-year plan.
  • Further define occupational/career goals.
  • Obtain educational and/or career planning information necessary in preparation for 12th grade course selection/registration.
  • Obtain summer school information if there are failed requirements.

College-bound Juniors:

  • Begin process of selecting a college. Discuss with counselor, use Choices, WOIS, or CX computer programs in Career Center, talk with adults currently working in your chosen area.
  • Sign up in late September or early October to take the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). Test Date - Wednesday, October 14, 2015 from 7:30 a.m. Test Fee - $15.00.
  • Begin nomination process if applying for military academies.
  • Register for the March, May, or June SAT I or ACT college entrance tests, particularly if planning to apply for out-of-state college and/or early admission/decision. (Not usually expected to be taken as a Junior, probable that test would be taken again in Senior year)

Vocational/Trade School/Job Training Juniors:

  • Begin process of selecting site of further training. Discuss with counselor, use Choices, WOIS, or CX computer programs in Career Center, talk with adults currently working in occupational area, investigate trade union apprenticeships.
  • If not currently enrolled, investigate the Skills Center program.

12th Grade Activites

12th Grade Activities

Twelfth grade career planning activities should be started as early as possible in the fall. This planning is very important, especially for college-bound students. Review this list when your student registers for courses.

All Seniors:

  • Review and alter as necessary the courses listed on the four-year plan.
  • Check graduation status, if deficiencies exist, see your counselor for help in developing a make-up plan.
  • If still unsure of after high school plans, see counselor or Kim LaFortune in Career Center.
  • Plan to meet with recruiters from all branches of service if considering military options following graduation.
  • Apply for graduation and order cap and gown, etc.

College-bound Seniors:

  • Take college entrance exams as necessary. If not taken in Junior year or you hope to better your scores, sign up for October, November, or December SAT I or ACT test dates - check registration deadlines.
  • Attend as many admissions presentations as possible.
  • Begin submitting college applications by late October or early November. It is not necessary to wait for test scores.
  • Begin applying for scholarships at the national, state, and local levels in late September or early October.
  • Put together a data sheet of information to provide to those you have asked or plan to ask about writing recommendations for you.
  • Attend financial aid session in January at Beyond High School Night.

Vocational/Trade School/Job Training Seniors:

  • Apply to training site as early as possible.
  • Attend financial aid presentation in December and obtain financial aid forms.
  • Apply for scholarships at the national, state, and local levels.
  • Double check apprenticeship programs.