AP EXAM and College in the High School
2024-25 AP Testing and CHS Information
Although we will do our best to keep this information updated, changes may occur to the schedule (date/time) and location of AP tests. CHS information is below.
Our goal is for all Lake Stevens graduates to receive an education that prepares them to continue their education at the college level. Nationally, only about 50% of the students who begin college graduate within ten years. Preparing students to begin college is not good enough. They must have the skills, knowledge, attitudes and work ethic to complete college. In higher education, students must make connections among disciplines, integrate the knowledge and skills from all the disciplines, and apply them effectively to new and unfamiliar challenges. One way we work toward this goal is through the Advanced Placement (AP) and College in the High School (CHS) programs at Lake Stevens High School.
LSHS AP Exam Information 2024
Updated Sept 30, 2024
Any questions/concerns? Contact Juli Keith at juli_keith@lkstevens.wednet.
Please read this important information about the Advanced Placement Exam ordering, 2024-2025 school year.
Student Action Needed: Create a College Board Account
Students will need a College Board account to join their AP class section and to register for AP exams.
Do you already have a College Board account?
Many students may already have a College Board account. All College Board programs are connected through one account. If an account was created for Advanced Placement exams, PSAT/NMSQT or SAT exams, you will use this account information. If an account needs to be created, students may do so at the CollegeBoard account creation page. Parents should not create an account for the student.
Fall 2024 – AP Registration
All AP classes have been added to student accounts, accessible on the Lake Stevens School District Online Payment site. Please double check with your student about the classes they are enrolled in.
- Registration Deadline: the deadline for paying is November 5. There are two steps required for students/parents to register for AP tests:
- Students will first need to use the Class Code (provided by their teacher) to join their class through their College Board account on myap.collegeboard.org.
- Payment(s)* can be made online through the Lake Stevens School District Online Payment Site for the AP Exams your student plans to take. All AP courses are listed once you log on to the InTouch Receipting site. If you have any questions, please contact Juli Keith at juli_keith@lkstevens.wednet.
Payment for each AP exam is $99.00* (please note - there is a $1.50 fee to pay online). Cost is $0 for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch - using the District Online Payment site, the amount should be $0, but please complete the transaction.
*Students who qualify can waive all AP testing fees; please check with Mrs. Keith to see if you qualify by emailing juli_keith@lkstevens.wednet.
Helpful Tips for the LSSD Online Payment Site
- Only paying for one student? If so, we recommend using the instructions labeled "For Students" (this only requires student ID# for username and last name in all caps for the password)
- Reminder: please make sure you select the student's correct class/exam and teacher
- Please note – tests will be administered at the Lake Stevens District Office, depending on the number of tests purchased per subject. Information about the location will be updated closer to the Spring.
**Changes in test format or location will be communicated by email.
Cancellation and Late Fees mandated by College Board
- Students who register for an exam after November 5, 2024 will pay a $40 per exam late fee.
Accommodations on AP Tests
If you believe you might qualify for accommodations for the exam, please contact Mrs. Keith in advance (the deadline is mid-January) - students who have a documented disability that impacts their AP testing and needs an accommodation (and regularly receives that accommodation on other tests at LSHS) can request accommodations through the College Board. This can be done through the school or by parent/student. More information about accommodations is available.
Please continue to look for additional information on this page as we progress into the school year.
College in the High School (CHS)
Lake Stevens High School has partnered with Everett Community College and University of Washington to offer College in the High School (CHS) credits. Please check the LSHS Advanced Course Offerings for more information about courses.
Everett Community College
How to Apply to College in the High School (CHS)
New Students
Only new students need to apply to EvCC to participate in the CHS program. We identify new students as those who a) have never applied to the program or b) applied in previous years but never registered for a CHS class. The latter means their student account was not converted to the new system.
To apply, students must use the EvCC online application and follow the step-by-step instructions outlined in the CHS Application and Registration Information webpage by December 8, 2023. This will ensure that their application and records are processed for CHS. View the important step-by-step guide in Google Slides.
Returning Students
Returning students do not need to re-apply to the college!
They will need to activate their ctcLink account using their old EvCC student ID (SID) number. Students should review our How to Activate Your ctcLink Account page for instructions.
How to Register for CHS Classes
Another major change this year is that students will register online using the same registration system as the general population. Below are important things to keep in mind.
- Students will register for classes by using a class number. CHS classes are currently being built. Teachers will get their class number(s) to distribute to their students and a list of 2023-2024 CHS classes will be available on the EvCC CHS website. CHS classes are not featured in the EvCC Class Schedule.
- Students will register by using the ctcLink mobile app OR using the ctcLink mobile-friendly website.
- Registration for first-semester and year-long classes is open from November 20, 2023 to January 1, 2024.
- Registration information can be found on the CHS Application and Registration Information webpage and in our How to Register for CHS Guide.
- The online registration system has a maximum limit of 20 credits. Students will need to fill out this Google Form (also on the EvCC website) if they exceed the maximum credit limit. The form is only for students that need to register for over 20 credits.
How to Pay for CHS Classes
Students will no longer have to pay for CHS classes (no limit)!
University of Washington
After a student’s course begins, the teacher will distribute a registration form and a registration fact sheet to students who are eligible to register for UW credit. Students can register online, by phone, or by mail.
- To register online (preferred method): You'll need your course registration number to start the registration process. This number can be found on your registration form.
UW in the High School - Online Registration
- To register by phone: Have your course registration number available. Call Registration Services at (206) 543-2310 during office hours: Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- To register by mail: Complete and mail the registration form. If you are registering for more than one UW course, you can include all forms in one envelope.
For the 2023–2024 school year, the registration deadline for first-semester and year long courses is Oct. 16, 2023. The deadline for second-semester courses is March 1, 2024. There are no deadline extensions, and late registrations are not accepted.
Edmonds College
- Music Appreciation
- Edmonds College - College in the High School (CHS) website
- How to apply: Edmonds College CHS Application Guide (PDF)
- How to register: Register for CHS Courses